Wednesday, November 17, 2004

redbowlingballruth, your most unique quality is that you're unusually Inspirational

You inspire others around you with your creative energy and thirst for new experiences. You are exceptionally curious and aren't afraid of learning new things — which is probably because you tend to focus on the potential positive outcome of any experience rather than dwelling on the potential negatives. You are a true explorer in the word. You want to understand and experience it all, and you're especially open to new feelings and ideas. Compared to others who are open, you are unusually appreciative of art and beauty. Only 2.1% of all test takers have this unique combination of personality strengths.

I feel so special.

the beatles...thats something we all should agree on...that they're awesome.

That and i think we should all agree that a vice is good. We all need a great vice that sort of liberates us from normalcy. Be it a gambling, drinking, smoking a bit of pot, staying up late, going on shopping sprees, too much coffee...whatever. The world runs on a nice health self destructive vice from time to time. Its what makes life feel a bit nicer. And all of this is under moderation of course...but i've always been worried about people with no vices...
