Saturday, August 07, 2004

And so i have one week left. i can't say i'll really miss being here, but i do like being alone and having the quiet which i'm rarely allowed to have at home.

i'm at such a loss. i feel as though i've lost things, though really they were never mine and may never be. There is nothing i want more than to go to school in Tacoma, and yet, what will i do to ensure my acceptence??? Knowing myself, not anything. i need some reassurance of my own self worth.

i wish the phone would ring, but if it doesn't, its my own damn fault.

Stupid girl.

Will you ever be mine the way i want you to be mine?
Tell me what you think of me.
And i will tell you what i think of you.
Even though you alreadly know.

i think i know, too.