Sunday, June 20, 2004

There were flowers, with smoke billowing from them. White smoke, and orange flames, kissing the yellow flowers until they were brown and burnt and no longer smelled sweet. I watched, and was sad. Sad is a stupid word. I was moved, rather. By little yellow flowers. And I hate yellow.

I wonder what its like to be loved. REALLY loved. I read somewhere that between couples, one person always loves the other person more than their spouse loves them. Its really quite sad--no--depressing. Is it better to be more loved or love more? I'm not sure, really. Love in general would be nice.

Doesn't everyone crave love in some form? I crave it in every form. I just realized I started capitalizing my I's. How strange. I never used to because I was never deserving of a capital I. My mind works in such odd stupid ways.

No wonder no one loves me.

I'm still not deserving of capital I's.