Thursday, June 10, 2004

On my way to Wyoming, i was left with no entertainment but the radio. As i was listening, this AWFUL song comes on, and as i'm listening to this horrible, torturous voice, i'm thinking, "someone needs to tell this chick she can't sing!" i thought my head was going to explode. i decided to wait out the song to find out who was now worthy of my utmost hate, and they announced the singer: Britney Spears. WOW. i wasn't suprised, but it confirmed my belief that the woman has no singing talent whatsoever. She would never have gotten as far as she has if it wasn't for her looks and disgusting appearances. i would have way more respect for her if she at least stopped torturing us with her horrible music and just became a porn star instead. i would much rather watch that than have to endure her voice any longer.