Tuesday, January 04, 2005

maybe the rain will stop following me.

There are three things i would like to say: people are stupid, people are weird, and i love people.

They are so irrational. All of 'em. Well, some more than others. Myself above all.

A lot of people think they are the center of attention, and get upset if they suddenly aren't. Myself above all.

They are ultra-critical of everything they see around them: fat girls, skinny boys, goofy hair, stupid shoes. They like to judge. Myself above all.

And they RANT. O god, how they rant!!! Politics, economics, society, the flight pattern of a pigeon; on and on and on. Myself above all.

And they all refuse to do what i say. If everyone would just conform, life would be good. Myself above all.

i hate fakeness. Facades and whatnot. Oooo, i'm special because i'm different and no one knows the real me. Get over yourself--you aren't that freakin' special. If you aren't who you pretend to be, then no one cares. If you pretend to be who you aren't, then people know. They can see through that glass you hold up infront of you. They know. Sometimes they even care a little.

Yeah, myself. Above all.